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Everybody's Place


Updated: Jun 24, 2020

Our story began in 2016 with a mutual desire to share and teach the healing benefits of art. The developers of the River District generously donated the building located at 5201 White Settlement Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76114. It would be up to us to restore and make any improvements... in other words we worked very hard and with the help from many kind minded people we created “Everybody’s Place,” a neighborhood connection center with a mission to create a community by enlightening people’s lives through the healing benefits of art.

During our development we always knew there would be a chance of our building selling and that situation happened in 2019. Everybody’s Place stayed positive and was greatly supported by the community, we believe this was one of many reasons Everybody’s Place was offered a new location by the same developer. With a lot of planning and hard work we are now Studio 101 Gallery and Gatherings, located at 101 Nursery Lane, Suite 108, Fort Worth, Texas, 76114.

Studio 101 will provide a unique environment of art and display for the artist, our version of Gallery style. We will provide a variety of classes in different mediums, along with our team building, supper clubs and one of our favorites, surprise celebrations. Which also means, Studio 101 will have the abilities to transform any celebration to your choosing. We pride ourselves in being open minded for advice, suggestions and any question we might be able to answer.

Studio 101

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